Cyber Engineering

Bachelor of Arts

Coursework Location(s)


Areas of Interest
  • Business, Economics & Entrepreneurship
  • Arts & Media
  • Communication, Journalism & Public Relations
  • Culture & Language
  • English & Literature
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Philosophy & Religious Studies
The program provides instruction in the languages, cultures, and civilizations of East Asia (China, Japan, and Korea); Asian humanities and religions; and Asian-American studies. Individual programs may emphasize the language, linguistics, literature, history, thought, religion, and society (ancient or modern) of more than one cultural area (China, Japan, or Korea). Students may specialize in the East Asian region or one or more discipline-focused studies of East Asian subjects. Advanced study of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean is required.
Learning Outcomes
Culture Track Outcome 1: Understand and Value Differences; Students will be able to comprehend tradition and transformation in at least one cultural region of East Asia. EAS Major Outcome 1: Communication; Students will be able to express themselves effectively in written and verbal communication. EAS Major Outcome 2: Use Information Effectively and Critically; Students will be able to identify, locate, and evaluate sources for the study of East Asian cultures. EAS Major Outcome 3: Argument Construction; Students will be able to articulate the commonalities, complexity, and diversity within and across East Asian cultures. EAS Major Outcome 4: Critical Thinking; Students will be able to articulate and apply appropriate disciplinary methods to the study of East Asian languages and cultures. Language Track Outcome 1: Proficient Communication in EAS Language; Students will be able to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing, with speakers of Chinese or Japanese and to be competent to read materials in the target language.
Level of Math
General Knowledge
4th Semester Proficiency
Pre-major Required?
Sample Plans 2020 - Cyber Engineering

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